"Come Out of Lockdown Looking 10 Years Younger"

"Come Out of Lockdown Looking 10 Years Younger"

Editor's Beauty mentioned the PMD Personal Microderm Elite Pro in one of their articles about how "there’s never been a better time to transform your skin." The Personal Microderm Elite Pro is a revolutionary at-home device providing the same brilliant results as professional in office treatments. "Microdermabrasion has been a firm favourite ever since it made its first appearance on the beauty scene many moons ago," the article mentions, but thanks to the Personal Microderm Elite Pro, you can get this same experience for only three minutes a week!

TruTier™ technology combines variable vacuum suction and tri-speed capabilities to provide the most customizable microdermabrasion treatment on the market. The Elite Pro comes with an extended range of discs for all of your exfoliation needs. From ultra sensitive to very intense, Personal Microderm Elite Pro treatments can be customized for your unique skin.

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