Woman holding PMD Kiss

Beauty Bloggers are LOVING the PMD KISS!

Since the PMD KISS made its debut in April, it’s been making waves in the beauty blogging community and has been featured by some of our favorite influencers! Whether you’re browsing the internet for an anti-aging treatment, a way to really make your lipstick pop, or a safe and more subtle replacement for injections- our beloved influencers have given their stamp of approval for the PMD KISS!

Lifestyle blogger and busy mom of 3, Debbie Savage, says “it is my belief to enhance what you got, naturally” and we couldn’t agree more that natural beauty is always in style. We love the way Debbie’s natural beauty and #brilliantconfidence shines after trying the PMD KISS!

Aileen, selfproclaimed “frugal fashionista” is all about finding the best deals on the latest and best trends! Our friend, The Baller on a Budget, says “ if you’re looking for a cheap way to get that extra oomph right before you go out to the bar with your girls and need some extra-pouty lips to score free drinks, then this is a great way to go about achieving that”. Naturally, we have to agree that the PMD KISS is definitely an affordable method to get those plump lips before girls night,date night, or just a way to feel a little more dolled up!

Another of our favorites, Glass of Glam, loves using the PMD KISS to get those extra soft kissable lips for date nights. She also loves using the PMD KISS to get rid of those pesky fine lines to get a more seamless and sexy red lipstick look! Roxanne also loved the ability to use customize the PMD KISS to your specific needs! We all come in different shapes and sizes- and so do our lips! Roxanne loved the ability to do more plumping to really fill out her top lip, which is one of the great things about the PMD KISS. It is completely safe to experiment with what works best for YOU and do the amount of plumping that makes you feel your best!

Thanks ladies, for sharing your #brilliantconfidence with the world!!

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